1. Kids read any 8 books.
2. Kids use the Summer Reading Journal to tell us
their favorite part of each book.
A parent/guardian signs it when it's complete.
3. Children bring their completed journal to a
between May 29th & September 2nd, 2008.
Nearest Location, and Hours Of Operation:
Sun 10-6, |
4. We'll give them a coupon for a FREE book!
They choose from a list of exceptional paperback titles.*
* Eligible books will be listed on the coupon.
Choices must be made from eligible stock.
No special orders.
Limit of 1 form per school-age child (grades 1-6), please.
Incomplete forms will be ineligible for free books.
I hope that EVERY CHILD in the Lyell-Otis area accepts this challenge, reads the 8 books, and receives their new FREE BOOK, courtesy of Barnes & Noble!
I'd love it if the kids would write/email to tell me which stories they liked the best! We'll even publish the children's messages/comments right here on the LONA-KIDS page!
Our children are smart, bright, and deserve the BEST! Read to your child, and let your child read to you! Reading - what a great way to brighten up a rainy summer day!