I want to hear from YOU!

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I'd love to hear from you to know if I am supplying enough info for you!

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Just drop me a line when you can.
I know finding a free moment isn't easy when the little ones are around! :)

Mommy, and loyal LONA neighbor!

Thursday, June 7, 2007


KIDS CAN LEARN TO SWIM AT FREE SUMMER SWIM ACADEMY (City of Rochester News Release - 06/05/2007) 

Children ages 6-14 can learn to swim for free at the City's "Summer Swim Academy," July 9 - 26 and July 30 - August 16. The 30-minute classes will take place 9:30 a.m. - 12 noon, Mon. - Fri., at ten locations throughout the city. There are classes for every skill level, from beginners with no previous instruction to capable swimmers. Participants can earn Red Cross certification in five skill levels.

Registration is now open and applications are being accepted until June 22 for Session I and until July 21 for Session II. Forms are available at all City recreation centers and libraries. A drop-in enrollment session will be held 9:30 a.m. - 12 noon, June 27 - 29. Drop-in enrollment must be at the location where the student plans to take lessons. Classes are filled based on proficiency levels and available space. Classes will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis and individuals may sign up for only one class per session. Preference may be given to City residents.

Summer Swim Academy locations offering Levels 1 through 5 (see levels below):

• Adams Street Community Center (School #3), 85 Adams St., 428-7266

• Franklin High School, 950 Norton St. (entrance #13 in back), 428-6755 or 428-7888

• East High School, 1801 E. Main St. (athletic entrance in front)., 428-6755 or 428-7888

• Genesee Valley Park, 131 Elmwood Ave., 428-7888

• James Monroe High School, 164 Alexander St. (rear entrance) 428-6755 or 428-7888

• Thomas Jefferson High School, 1 Edgerton Park (rear entrance #8) 428-6755

• John Marshall High School, 180 Ridgeway Ave. (rear entrance) 428-6755

Summer Swim Academy locations* offering Levels 1 and Level 2 only*:

• Avenue D Community Center, 200 Ave. D, 428-7934

• Flint Street Community Center, 271 Flint Street, 428-7001

• North Street Community Center, 700 North Street, 428-7149

* Registration at these sites will be taken from June27 - 29 ONLY in person.

An end-of-session "swim academy graduation" will recognize participants for their achievements. Swimmers will also have an opportunity to participate in the City-Wide Swim Meet and Aqua Fest on Aug. 3 at Genesee Valley Sports Complex Pool.

Levels offered in the program will include:

• Recruits: Level I: (Water Exploration): No previous instruction; cannot swim

• Seamates: Level II: (Primary Skills): Floats and puts face into water.

• Boatswains: Level III (Stroke Readiness): Dives into deep water and swims 25 yards.

• Navigators: Level IV: (Stroke Development): Swims 25 yards crawl and backstroke

• Skippers: Level V: (Stroke Refinement): Swims 50 yards crawl and backstroke

Call 428-7888 for further information or a registration form. Automated information is available by calling 428-6767. Learn more about City of Rochester recreation programs by going to: www.cityofrochester.gov.

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